This picture sorta remind me of the feed but the outher version of the feed.
"We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck" (pg3). This sets up the story by telling us or people where they went and how much it sucked. It tells us that this is a futristic book because people are traveling to the moon. It sets the book up so that the experince on the moon can be explained and so that people can understand that the setting is some time in the future.
Titus, Link, Violet, Loga, Calista, Marty, Quendy are unique names because they sorta sound like video game names or names you would see reading a comic or a graphic novel. He probably choose these names because graphic novels, comics, and video games sorta relate to futristic things. So since they relate he decided to give them those names. There names sorta define the world they live in because now a days people dont walk around saying "Whats up Link"....those are uncommon names. There names are sorta of futuristic so it is basically saying the world is in the future.
The language in the book is sorta wierd and different in a way. It is common futuristic teenage slang in the book. For example: "Unit! I'm trying to get my bird!" or "I'm flat-lining. Meg". To them its sorta modern day slang to us its wierd. The purpose of using this language is to show what teenagers would sound like in the future to show how slang progressively changes when time moves on. Its effective because it gives you the idea on how the kids sound like or how they talk. If you were to translate certain words like "Unit" it would be something like dude. "Meg" would be sorta like big or cool. "Yaoch" would be sexy...and so on and so on.
According the the book the moon is like a hang out spot but its current condition is horrible. Craters are filled with trash and places are being torn down ect. Its a popular destination for young people because its like a place to vacate or get away. A place to get away from your parents and go be bored or "have fun".
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